Esta semana Heather VanCura ha compartido un listado actualizado de los JSR’s (Java Specification Requests) enfocados en Java EE8. Con ello vemos que la innovación no se detiene y Java EE8 ya es una realidad próxima.
Para los Grupos de Usuarios Java la oportunidad de poder apoyar existe. Tal como fue el en el caso de Java EE7, los programas Adopt a JSR estarán sin duda disponible incluyendo dentro de poco Java EE8.
JSR 365, Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java 2.0, has passed the EC JSR Approval Ballot with 24 Yes votes. This JSR is led by RedHat, Pete Muir and Antoine Sabot-Durand, and is open for Expert Group Nominations.
JSR 366, Java Platform Enterprise Edition 8 (Java EE 8) Specification, is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Linda DeMichiel and Bill Shannon. The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
JSR 367, Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B), is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Martin Grebac. The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
JSR 368, Java Message Service (JMS) 2.1 is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Nigel Deakin. The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
JSR 369, Java Servlet 4.0 is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Edward Burns and Shing Wai Chan. The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
JSR 370, Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.1 is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen and Marek Potociar. The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
JSR 371, Model-View Controller (MVC) 1.0 is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Manfred Riem and Santiago Pericas-Geertsen . The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
JSR 372, JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.3 is open for JSR Review. This JSR is led by Oracle, Edward Burns and Manfred Riem. The EC JSR Approval Ballot will be 9-22 September.
Early Draft Reviews
JSR 364, Broadening JCP Membership, completed Early Draft Review. This JSR plans to submit a Public Review in September.
JSR 56, Java Network Launching Protocol and API, completed a Maintenance Release.
JSR 339, JAX-RS 2.0: The Java API for RESTful Web Services, is open For Maintenance Review. The EC ballot will open on 22 September.
JSR 352, Batch Applications for the Java Platform, completed a Maintenance Release.
JSR 356, Java API for WebSocket, completed a Maintenance Release.